
IT'S A.....

We are so so excited to welcome this baby girl into our world. We both love her more than we can imagine and know that its just going to keep on growing as she grows inside of me. I was talking to Michele the other day and she was asking for some help on visualizing what this girl is going to look like, so here are some pics of baby dan, I LOVE his huge round brown eyes and his light brown hair. SO stinking adorable. 

This kid is going to have thunder thighs, hopefully I can teach her to cope or play soccer :)

as you can see... we were both little chubsters. Her odds aren't good, and I am glad, nothing like baby rolls. 

The crazy hair begins. 

Little girl, we cannot wait to meet you and love on you. You are such a blessing to us. God is so faithful and you are his child! 

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