
Baby Etsy

I LOVE Etsy. I could spend hours and hours searching and sifting through the millions of items, some cheesy, some unique and amazing. Now that I have baby brain, I have a whole new purpose in my Etsy search. I can't wait to find out if we are having a baby boy or girl so I can make some orders :)

Some cute finds.... 

ADorable bibs!
 Those cheeks. I need them

little lennon. 


Bun in the oven!

Well I really don't blog much, but I will probably be using this blog to update family and friends on our most recent news.  June 2nd or somewhere around there, my hubby and I will be welcoming an amazing little blessing into our family. 

WE were very surprised! We have been getting so excited and amazed at how God is forming this little one... Such a mighty, creative, amazing God we serve!