
With a lot of my friends preggo right now.... I have started to think babies and gifts and when we will have a second one.... and then I reign in the thoughts, our second won't be for a while prolly... but I am going through all of ily's gear and putting things up in the attic and selling some stuff that I didn't love so I wanted to document my favorites that we will be using and keeping for the next little meeh, Lord willing :) 
1. The boon highchair.. yes it's kinda modern but oh is it nice. Cleans so easily and rolls which is so convenient . I bought the white seat insert so its not so orange. 

2. Grass drying rack... amazing for bottles, sippys and everything in between. also cute on the counter :)

3. Ily has been taking this since 4 months. Its SOOO good for babies (and adults) and nutrient rich.

4. I bought the bjorn and I regretted it. I had a gift card and then bought the ergo. CHANGED MY LIFE. so comfy and I loved wearing her in it for quick trips in the store or at church or on a walk. It could almost replace my stroller. 

5. Jellycat stuffed animals. They are sooooo soft and cuddly. Ily particularly loves this fox. 

6. Little Giraffe blankies. Ily HAS to have these. literally cant fall asleep without them. its quite unfortunate (her first one was a shower gift) that they are $44 a piece. but there is no getting around it and they are quite soft. 

7. Shea Moisture baby wash. I love this stuff and I can't find it anywhere anymore. We are on our last drops :(  If you see it in target. I will literally pay you double for it! its amazing. 

8. The Sophie teether. Don't get me wrong, I love regular Sophie... but this teether always ended up with Ily. She liked it better for some reason. 

9. Swaddleme. These are incredible for swaddling. I loved the Aiden and Annai muslin for newborn but these just stay in place when they get a lil bigger and wiggle out. Ily slept in one for 5 months. 

10. Baby Jogger City Select. We had the Orbit Baby system and LOVEd it but switched to this because it can be a double one day when we will need it. It's an awesome stroller and the basket is amazingly huge.

The list could go on but keeping it to my staples. 

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