
Super Couponss

I know i am a total nerd and proud of it. But I must share my secret with you. I was recently in Chicago, for my best friends wedding :)  and her older sister was telling me about super couponing and all the deals she scored by doing it. I was definitely skeptical at first, thinking I would end up with 25 packages of fruit roll-ups and gain 5 lbs, but no no no its amazing. So I was checkin out all the great websites where mommas post their coupon finds with direct links to the coupons themselves and when dan got home I begged him to go with me. When it comes to saving money, Dan is always in, so we printed our coupons and headed out the door. We get to the registers with our finds and our 20 coupons and get the DEATH glare from the clerk. She tells me to check my coupons again, quite rudely might I add. Our total was supposed to be $40.66 but after coupons it was only $18.25! And it wasn't just random crap. Lots of Kashi Cereal and bars, BIC pens, Free CHOCOLATE!! and lots more. 

Needless to say I was beyond stoked and I needed to share. 
Here are some of the websites that really helped me. 

money saving mom

This Frugal life

Fabulously Frugal Mom

PS. some coupons actually give you the item FREE or even  earn you MONey! those were the ones that I was jumping up and down for. 


  1. Way to go! I'm so proud of you :)
    One other website/blog that I check {many times} daily is http://hip2save.com/ if you are interested. Happy Couponing!

  2. Hey Lauren,
    Love your blog. We sure miss you and Dan at the Sum house.
    Another site, I like for super-couponing is
    Sending you guys a big hug.

  3. Thanks you two!!! I am so happy that you taught me this amazing trick! I love super couponing now, and so does DAN!!! Miss you all so much!
