
The best salad dressing EVER.

Ok so ever since getting into Weston a. Price and ordering food from the amish co-op (yes people think I am nuts....) I have been searching high and low for good recipes that include whole healthy ingredients and not processed junk. A lot of recipes I adapt and change but  my friend Katelyn is the queen of health everything and I ask her WAY too many questions about homeopathic remedies for Ily and for yummy recipes. She has always had a passion for cooking and food, even before she learned about how to eat traditionally, and always hands me down really amazing recipes.

This dressing will BLOW your mind, health nut or not, I promise you will love it. I could quite literally drink it. hahaha
I usually put it on a cobb like salad, Spinach, boiled eggs, red onion and amish bacon :) but you could put it on anything really.

Black Sesame Seed Dressing
-It will keep in the fridge for a while but it will thicken and get solid so maybe take it out and let it sit for a while before using it. Or it will last up to 2-2.5 weeks in the pantry...just smell it 
2 cups olive oil (I start out with the 2 cups, but sometimes add a little more at the end in case I added to much lemon or soy sauce--I'm bad at measuring stuff)
1/2 c. apple cider vinegar (Braggs is best)
1/3 c. unpasturized soy sauce (Shoya is best)
2-3 tbs. Lemon juice
1/2-1/3 c. black sesame seeds
1 tbs. or 2 nuggets of fresh ginger
5-6 cloves of garlic
I sometimes add a little salt and pepper after blending it through once and then blend it for like 3 seconds more...just depending on the taste.
So you can totally just put everything in the Vitamix and blend it up or you can do everything but the olive oil and add that slowly thru the little hole on top. A normal blender works too, but takes a little longer to blend up the seeds. It turns a dark green color once the seeds are all blended and the olive oil emulsifies.
Its super healthy for you so don't be chinsy 


My baby is 2?!

I cannot believe my baby girl is 2. It goes by so fast. Everyone I know tells me that but it really is true. I feel like just yesterday I was holding this little newborn, totally unsure about motherhood, and now I am potty-training and pregnant with a new little life.

For ily's 2nd birthday we decided to do a small party with just her friends and immediate family. We rented a bounce house (TOTAL hit) and did donuts, bagels and coffee. It was so fun to hear her talk about her party for weeks afterwards. She kept saying "party momma, I two." Makes it all worth it.

Enjoying her birthday donut :) 

remind me to NEVER make a pinata again. SO time consuming. 

playing in the pool with her new surfboard from Evy.

and her new princess outfits, if we are home, heels and skirt are required. 

Grammy made her a new fort under the coffee table. She will steal an iphone and sit under there like a teenager... scary.