

Seriously I need time to stop it. Its going way too fast and I want to just press the pause button. My baby girl is growing up so so fast and it kills me/ makes me so excited for what is to come. It's very bittersweet but mostly just sweet. She is seriously the most chill lil babe ever, well minus her recent adventure of getting teeth.  4 months seems early to teethe... no?

Here a few pics of her most recent life experiences. Trip to Chicago with mom, dedication, Rolling over, and almost sitting up on her own!


in line at airport security. I was definitely scared to fly solo with a babe. 

oh fall. how i miss thee


it was gorgeous there!

yes we were the dorks who went to chapel.

perry the mastadon

only pic i got of Jo.

best thing about Wheaton College, cheerleaders...NOT

old stompin grounds

had to get deep dish from my fav.

back home and happy 

crazy uncle schnoodle.

ready for halloween. 

teething on anything and everything.. iphone case is no exception.

With her GREAT Grandparents :) 

Uncle Ben made it and Loves holding babies. 

momma and grandma. 

Dan did awesome. I had stage fright and there wasn't even a stage and I didn't even talk. ha

LOVED that our church had everyone come up and lay hands on all the families. The perks of a small church. 

p.s. finally updated my blog... seriously needed help.. hope it's a lil more user friendly, for my 2 users ha. Hopefully it will motivate me to post a bit more too.

1 comment:

  1. just your loyal overseas stalker checking in... AHHH LO! these pictures! so many emotions with all of them! i absolutely loved seeing Ily with all the girls, and the photo of her and your grandparents? [that's my fav!] and her smile when she was at home? and your church? wow. so much happiness, and so many blessings. I am greatly encouraged and blessed by the love that is so evidently overflowing among you three. I just LOVE it! okay, calming down now... but yes, love the new format too :) and agree, wheaton cheerleaders are pointless. besides, too much role confusion for them anyway... "am I hot? am I holy? am I hot? am I holy?"
